Kelly Brook says women ‘put too much pressure on themselves’ to lose weight as she praises her husband Jeremy Parisi for ‘celebrating’ her figure

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Kelly Book has told how women put ‘too much pressure’ on themselves to lose weight as she opened up on husband Jeremy Parisi‘s support of her own body. 

The TV personality, 45, went from a size 12 to 16 in 2018 after moving back to the UK from LA but dropped the weight with the help of SlimFast for which she is a brand ambassador. 

And in an exclusive interview with MailOnline, Kelly encouraged women not to stress too much about looking a certain way, especially in the eyes of their partners, as she noted that for the most part, men don’t even ‘notice’ the body hang-ups that women do. 

In a candid and open chat about weight loss, healthy living and body confidence, the star – who has maintained her weight with the assistance of SlimFast – said: ‘We put so much pressure on ourselves, sometimes it doesn’t even come from our other halves. 

‘They don’t see it, they’re not looking at the rolls, the back fat and the wobbly bits that we think they are. They don’t notice it as much.’

On how her model husband loves her figure, she continued: ‘Jeremy has always celebrated me, always told me I look great and I’ve never once heard him say anything negative or derogatory about my weight or how I look, that’s not an issue.’

Kelly Book has told how women put 'too much pressure' on themselves to lose weight as she opened up on husband Jeremy Parisi 's support of her own body

Kelly encouraged women not to stress too much about looking a certain way, especially in the eyes of their partners, as she noted that men don't even 'notice' the body hang-ups women do [pictured with husband Jeremy in 2024]

However Kelly, who is currently preparing to run the London Marathon next month, said that while Jeremy is great when it comes to showing support for her body, she noted that when it comes to training with him, it’s somewhat more ‘challenging’. 

She continued: ‘In terms of training and doing things together on a physical level, that is a bit more challenging because he’s super competitive and he’s very fit and sometimes when he comes out on a run with me, it’s like he’s my carer! 

‘He’s there giving me electrolytes, giving me another energy gel, he’s there walking and I’m there shuffling thinking I’m running! It’s harder for him. 

‘I don’t want to be like that, I want to feel on par with him. I feel like I’ve let my fitness go a bit. This is why I’m a bit more of an advocate now and getting out and going for a run because I hadn’t done it for years.’

And while Kelly continues to strive to get her fitness on par with her husband’s, she noted how running has vastly improved her mental health.

‘Running gave me clarity and there was a whole different approach to everything I would do, I was so much more in control’ she explained.

‘I feel like the exercise has really helped with my mental health actually. More so than I thought.’

She added: ‘We are having a bit of a lifestyle overhaul at the moment, which is amazing. We’ve just bought our house, we’ve been renting this for the last two years but we’ve now bought it so there’s going to be decorating and doing lots of fun stuff. 

The TV personality, 45, went from a size 12 to 16 in 2018 after moving back to the UK from LA but dropped the weight with the help of SlimFast for which she is a brand ambassador

'Jeremy has always celebrated me, always told me I look great and I've never once heard him say anything negative or derogatory about my weight or how I look, that's not an issue'

In terms of training, that is a bit more challenging because he's super competitive and he's very fit and sometimes when he comes out on a run with me, it's like he's my carer!'

‘So I feel like we’re going into a chapter of our life where as we get older, we just want to be healthier…. my husband turns 40 this year. I just feel like we’re in a really good dynamic at the moment.’

Meanwhile Kelly, who previously told how she never wants to be a size zero, revealed how she doesn’t ‘stress’ over being spotted indulging in unhealthy foods as a SlimFast ambassador and TV personality. 

She insisted: ‘I don’t stress about those moments, it’s about the balance, but when you do, [indulge in treats] you just enjoy them that much more. But it’s not every night.’

The stunner went on to reveal how being in the public eye keeps her motivated to stay in shape.

She shared: ‘I’ve got a job where people see me a lot, I go on photoshoots, I’m in hair and make-up chairs, I have to try on clothes and things like that, so you’re always quite aware of your weight and how you look. 

'I feel like we're going into a chapter of our life where as we get older, we just want to be healthier.... my husband turns 40 this year. I just feel like we're in a really good dynamic at the moment'

Meanwhile Kelly revealed how she doesn't 'stress' over being spotted indulging in unhealthy foods as a SlimFast ambassador and TV personality

‘I think also, if you’re not in the public eye, I would say exercise will always make you not want to eat rubbish foods, it will not make you want to have a little drink because you have to get up in the morning and go for a run. That kind of feeling of feeling good is what keeps me on track. If you combine the diet with the healthy exercise, those two really go hand in hand.

‘I did a 10k run the other day and I didn’t finish and think “God, I want a McDonalds!” You want to go home and have your protein shake or your SlimFast shake and you feel like your body has everything it needs. 

‘You want to be able to function at a high level, you want to have clarity in your mind, all of those things. I want to be able to jump out of bed to take my dog out for a walk, I don’t want to be sluggish, I don’t want to be tired.’

Kelly continued: ‘With sugary and bad foods, it might be nice for a minute but the downside is you have big crashes, you have big slumps in the day. The key is to have that even energy level in the day. For me it’s just about feeling energetic and healthy.’

This post was originally published on this site

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